Publisher’s Weekly Review: Heady, Euphoric, Singular, Surprising

July 24, 2015

“Wikswo’s singular lines strike like the tone of a bell, resonating across pages, while her beautifully composed images echo the surprising twists of language: ghosts “more trout than human,” a shadow that resembles a “camel. A monkey puzzle tree. A quail.” The stories defy genre or distillation and instead take the reader on a journey where myth, mystery, and the impossible have never seemed more real.”


“In these stories, author and visual artist Wikswo’s juxtaposes dreamy, surreal prose with shadowed, ambiguous, occluded dreamscapes to haunting effect. Her stories defy narrative and instead read like a series of short poems or incantations—heady, euphoric, and full with loss.”

Click here to read the full review. 

quintan wikswo publishers weekly the hope of floating has carried us this far