December 29, 2012











I am thrilled to announce the launch of FIELDSHIFT FURTHER: a new interdisciplinary performance company creating original works at sites where human rights and ecological trauma have taken place. Our projects are voyages between artists and audiences that contemplate, explore and address the aftermath and possibility surrounding post-atrocity communities.

Please CLICK HERE to read all about our launch, and make a tax-deductible gift supporting our work around the world in 2013.

Led by co-Artistic Directors QUINTAN ANA WIKSWO and ALEXANDRA SHILLING, Fieldshift Further is a collaborative team of transdisciplinary artists, activists, communities, institutions – experimenting together across all fields of inquiry and expression.

We invite you to MAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TODAY and support our 2013 fieldwork in Germany. We welcome voices and contributions of all kinds, from financial support to hands-on creative involvement, ideas and insights. Matching grants also accepted.

Please VISIT OUR WEBSITE and if you’d like, take a moment to EXPLORE OUR VIDEO PORTRAIT.

Our 2013 performance year is powerful and far-ranging: we have been commissioned by THE JEWISH MUSEUM OF MUNICH, MUNICH KULTUREFERAT, and EBENBOECK HAUS to share and expand our series of works surrounding gender and sexuality in human rights and war crimes, and generational legacies in post-atrocity communities.

Beginning with a series of seven European performances of SONDERBAUTEN in February, we will return in June for a 12-week residency to create new works.

CLICK HERE to explore our new projects unfolding throughout the year. And stay tuned for our complete 2013 performance and residency schedule!

Our Central Europe team includes composer/bassist ARTHUR KELL and dancer-performers SHAYNA KELLER, SARAH JACOBS, and MIMI YIN, as well as co-Directors QUINTAN ANA WIKSWO and ALEXANDRA SHILLING.



Each FIELDSHIFT FURTHER project includes a unique and evolving workteam that gathers together collaborators of all kinds – artists, activists and field workers, as well as anyone who is drawn to the voyage.

We eagerly welcome an endless variety of small and large gestures, tangible and intangible contributions, transient or permanent participations, unexpected responses, and navigational suggestions.

Most of all we look to you to help us ask questions and keep our antennae at the ready.

PLEASE EMAIL US if you want to chat about joining a voyage. Throughout the planning, fieldwork, performance and documentation stages, we partner with technical advisers, strategic counsel, legal services, social service and academic specialists, curators, researchers, administrators, folks with frequent flier miles, and folks who believe that within the aftermath, possibilities exist.


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