05/05: Interview in Conjunctions with Edie Meidav about “The Hope of Floating Has Carried Us This Far”

May 3, 2016

Honored to be interviewed by one of my heroes, writer and editor Edie Meidav, at Conjunctions magazine. Click here to read the interview. http://www.conjunctions.com/webconj.htm

Conjunctions has published my work multiple times over the years…including here (a story from my recently published book The Hope of Floating Has Carried Us This Far) and here (a selection from my recently completed novel A Long Curving Scar Where the Heart Should Be).

It’s a wide-roving interview, and it was a thrill to traverse near and far afield with Edie. I think this is my favorite part, where I get to go on my tirade about the title of my recent book: “The title comes from the witch trials, where women accused of witchcraft were plunged into water. If they sunk and drowned, they were innocent. If they floated, they were witches and were burned. The title is a kind of call to arms—to hope to float. A kind of cry of rebellion, of declaration of self, a refusal to give up, no matter what the cost. That floating is being a witch. Being an outsider. Enough of us float, and maybe that changes things.”

Click here to read the interview. http://www.conjunctions.com/webconj.htm