September 4, 2018

After the New York City, Santa Fe and D.C. launch readings for THEY SAID, I’m happy to be reading in Philadelphia at Penn Book Center on Thursday, November 1st. 

THEY SAID: A MULTIGENRE ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY COLLABORATIVE WRITING! My decades-long collaborator Craig Foltz and I have a story called “THE HEART IS AN ORGAN THAT MUST BE BLED” in this Black Lawrence Press anthology of multi-genre collaborative writing. Cohorts also include Lyn Hejinian,,Carla Harryman, GC Waldrep, Isobel O’Hare, CL Bledsoe,David Wojciechowski, my own personal artistic icon Megan Kaminski, and more genies in the brain bottle. Forthcoming July 2018 – stay tuned for news on the book release parties, book tours, and more! 

CLICK HERE for pre-sale and more information! 

They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing includes poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as hybridized forms that push the boundaries of concepts like “genre” and “author.”

quintan ana wikswo

quintan ana wikswo


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