11 July: Exhibit and Reading at Kebbel Villa/Oberpfälzer KünstlerHaus

July 6, 2010

"Fossoyeur/Gravedigger" 30x30 digital c-print on rag paper (c) Quintan Ana Wikswo

On Sunday 11 July, the Oberpfälzer KünstlerHaus outside Regensburg, Germany, will exhibit my works-on-paper, and I will read from my recently-released book of photographs and a long prose poem: Schwarzer Tod und die Nutzlosen Esser/Schwarzer Tod and the Useless Eaters (Catalysis Projects), accompanied by selections from the book’s German translation (by Dorothea Herreiner).

I will also have six works-on-paper showing in the upstairs gallery of the Kebbel Villa. These are selections from my ongoing, site-specific body of work The Blue at the Base of the Flame – these particular prints are from my work this past autumn in the villages of LaMarche and Serecourt  in Vosges, where I explored the gravesites of women martyred as witches.  Crucifixes only seem to show up in my work when pagans are involved.

Marguerite Sauras. 1421. (c) quintan ana wikswo

Given the spooky beauty of the Kebbel Villa, I think we will all feel very much in the proper venue.

Kebbel Villa at Oberpfälzer KünstlerHaus, Germany

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