August 22, 2017

“Beautiful, horrifying, passionate, and bold. A Long Curving Scar is all of these things, in addition to a stirring and compelling read…but it is also a fascinating chronicle of the effects of place and history on the individual, and a record of how little of the inequities of that history in this country have yet been held to account. I can think of few books this year that I felt were more necessary to read at this point in time and yet were also so very lyrical and so well-wrought as storytelling.” – Jeff VanderMeer

Here is the link to pre-order my novel-with-photographs: A LONG CURVING SCAR WHERE THE HEART SHOULD BE, forthcoming October 2017

I am so grateful to Jeff VanderMeer, incandescent writer, marvelous witticist, huge hearted creature and New York Times book reviewer for offering such warm praise of my book.