Exhibition Catalogue: Kehrer Verlag Catalog + Essay

October 14, 2013

A note to let folks know that the exhibition catalogue for SONDERBAUTEN, “Alles hat seine Zeit. Rituale gegen das Vergessen/Rituals Against Forgetting” is available on Kehrer Verlag, featuring an essay by me, as well as the complete poems and photographs for SONDERBAUTEN.

The Jewish Museum has also posted my catalogue essay online here, in English and in German.

The catalogue can be purchased in the bookstore of the Jewish Museum Berlin, and through the Kehrer Verlag website, and at Amazon.com.uk.

It feels marvelous to see it in print, after working with the curator and designers in Vienna and Germany throughout the production process.

wikswo exhibition catalogue sonderbauten rituale gegen vergessen jewish museum berlin


wikswo exhibition catalogue sonderbauten rituale gegen vergessen jewish museum berlin wikswo exhibition catalogue sonderbauten rituale gegen vergessen jewish museum berlin